Apologetics Library
What are the prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament?
The Old Testament contains several prophecies that refer to Jesus Christ. These prophecies were written centuries before the birth of Jesus.
How Can We Know That Christianity Is True?
We delve into the foundations of Christianity and explore compelling evidence that supports its truth claims.
Archeological Evidence of the New Testament
From dusty scrolls to weathered inscriptions, archeological discoveries have unveiled a trove of evidence supporting the New Testament.
Can We Trust the Reliability of the New Testament?
Can we trust that the New Testament accurately preserves the words and actions of Jesus? The evidence says yes.
Harmony Unveiled: Can Science and Christianity Coexist?
Can science and Christianity coexist harmoniously? You bet!
Embracing the Paradox: How Can a Loving God Allow Evil and Suffering
How can a loving God allow evil and suffering to exist in the world? This age-old question continues to challenge and stir the hearts of believers.
What Is The Religious Experience Argument?
The Religious Experience argument asserts that divine experiences or feelings of awe and wonder, are evidence of the existence of God.
What Is The Miracles Argument?
The miracles argument asserts that the occurrence of miracles in the world is evidence of God’s existence.
What Is The Consciousness Argument?
The consciousness argument asserts that the existence of consciousness in the world cannot be explained by naturalism alone.

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Do you recommend any good books on apologetics?
Absolutely! “I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist” by Dr. Frank Turek; “The Language of God” by Dr. Francis S Collins; & “Cold Case Christianity” by J. Warner Wallace just to name a few.
Can you provide some names of other apologists I should check out?
Since most religions believe in God, couldn’t they all be true?
Couldn’t it be possible that what is true for you may not be true for me?
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