Help Us Build An Apologetics Training Program

Support Goal
We are looking to raise $250k which will go to creating the curriculum as well as building out the online school.

We are working on building out a comprehensive curriculum for all age groups.

Online Degree Program
We are in the early stages of building out an online school that will offer ministry degrees.

Changing the World
Our ambition is not a small one. We believe, as the body of Christ, we can change the world. And we intend to!

Media Powerhouse
Our long term business plan includes building out a multimedia program that reaches the world.

The quickest way to reach the masses is help train influencers to push forward the message.
We need your help. Help us reach our initial funding target of $250k and we can take a giant leap to changing the world.

This couldn’t be done without you.
Have you ever had something so compelling that it created a passion so strong that you were willing to press on, regardless of the cost? Apologetics has that ability to light a fire in believers and unbelievers alike. It strengthens faith, helps new believers stand firm, and calls unbelievers to #thinkcritically about what it all means. We plan to teach it to everyone FOR FREE!